Backpacking 07-03-2020

July 4th Weekend 2020. Some relaxing time spent at Piney Creek Wilderness sitting by the lake.

End of Trip Selfie – Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Three.

Stock pond and pines. Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Three.

Backpacking Selfie.

Hiking out – Bushwhacking my way out wasn’t easy. Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Three. One-minute read, 8 pictures

Breaking Camp – Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Three. Slideshow: 9 pictures

Morning Swim. Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Three. Slideshow: +4

My current backpacking cooking kit. 2 pictures

Preparing Breakfast – Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Three. Slideshow: 8 pictures

Day Three morning tea.

Morning mist on Table Rock Lake – I wasn’t totally surprised to find mist drifting down from Piney Creek when I woke up. I ‘d seen the same thing happen in much colder conditions in January. I checked the water temperature and it was still warm(-ish) so I had a swim. Who could tun down such an opportunity? Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Three. 2 pictures

Campfire. Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Two. 3 pictures

Buck Hollow in the evening light. Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Two.

Sunset at Piney Creek Wilderness. Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Two. 2 pictures

Evening light on Buck Hollow – Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Two.

Preparing dinner – Chicken curry for dinner, the wood stove’s up and running, and if you look closely you’ll see that the campfire’s all ready for lighting once dinner is over. 4 pictures

Afternoon swim – Two or three steps back from where I am standing in this picture and it’s six to eight feet deep. Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Two. Slideshow: +5

Camp life (cont.) – Heating some water on my Fancee Feest cat-can alcohol stove. I was being lazy, and couldn’t be bothered to light the woodstove just to heat up some hot dogs and boil water for a cup of tea. Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Two. 2 pictures

Camp life – Relaxing in Piney Creek Wilderness – I put my wet shirt and a pair of shorts on for this picture. They came off as soon as I’d taken it. Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Two. 5 pictures

Mossy – Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Two.

Morning Tea – Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Two.

Table Rock Lake from the water’s edge. Piney Creek Wilderness – Day Two. 2 pictures

Stormy sunset – Piney Creek Wilderness – Day One.

Glimpse – because the lake-side trees were in the lake it was hard to get a clear view.

Temporary shelter – I quickly put the tarp up so I could get out of the rain. Quickly, but not before I had a swim. Piney Creek Wilderness – Day One.

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