Backpacking 02-20-2022

Trip over, back at the trailhead, and a very modest 14 miles hiked with 962 ft. of elevation gain.

Twin Falls – One of my favorite, out-of-the-way places at Hercules Glades Wilderness. +1

Checking out the rain – Apparently, the trees I’ve been using have a dip between them, which proceeded to fill with water, The ground on the downhill side was very soggy. Two-minute read, +4

Forest Road – They can sometimes be difficult to find and see. This one is not as clear where it meets the trail.

Small falls in ‘Deep Hollow’ +1

Gary Camped to the north of ‘Deep Hollow’ Hercules Glades.

Day Two. The view from my hammock – Morning sunshine in the woods. One-minute read, +1

On the Pilot (Tower) Trail to the north of the Lower Pilot Knob. Cheesy grin indeed. What I didn’t realize then was that in a couple of hundred yards I’d walk straight past the old forest road I take to get to my ‘Deep Hollow’ campsite. I obviously realized my hat was in need of some TLC. It’s looking a whole lot better now. Two-minute read

Looking back (east) along the Pilot Trail – This section of the trail doesn’t get a huge amount of traffic, and as you can see, the trail is not that easy to spot. It’s there though, winding between the brush on the right of the frame.

Distant Hills – The view to the northeast from the Pilot (Tower) Trail, near Lower Pilot Knob.

Day One. Back on the trail – My first trip out since November – maybe that’s why my hat is looking a little neglected. Two-minute read, +2

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