Volunteer Work

The pictures I have taken as part of my voluntary work – mainly for Christ Episcopal Church, Springfield and The Diocese of West Missouri.

It’s been a busy week. Three days spent out attending business meetings in Louisville Kentucky followed by confirmations and ordinations back in Springfield. Three-minute read, 6 pictures

Oops! I walked into a plate glass window. No real damage done, and luckily there was no one around to witness me doing it.

Black and White Photograph of Terry by Gary Allman

Sometimes the picture you end up with isn’t the picture you thought you were taking.

Easter Vigil.

Thanksgiving Dinner at Christ Church – Every year Christ Church offers a free Thanksgiving Dinner, This year we served up over three hundred meals and handed out one-hundred and twenty-five take home boxes. One-minute read. 16 pictures.

Producing the place mat for the Christ Church 2013 Thanksgiving Dinner, came with an added bonus of a lesson I obviously needed to re-learn.

Four baptisms and a sermon – Four baptisms today, and I was fortunate to be able to catch this great picture of Fr. Ken lighting a candle among all the watching choir kids. 10 pictures

Bishop’s Ball 2013 – Following the diocesan convention I went to the Youth Meeting and took some pictures at the Bishop’s Ball. +15

Saturday night youth lock-out followed by a Sunday morning service and picnic at Camp Shawio. 32 pictures

Part 2 in which Getzger is Blessed, has a falling out with his friend Fara, and meets a bunny.

Part 1 – my favorite pictures from this afternoon’s Blessing of the Animals.

Lanie is helping out at the Church Cider Days Parking Lot Youth Group Fund Raiser. She’s also performing at Cider Days with the Little Mermaid cast. I grabbed this shot when I dropped her off this morning.

Christ Episcopal Church Springfield, MO - Stewardship Poster

My idea this year was to emphasize just how much the church does and what is at stake if we don’t maintain a healthy level of giving of our time, funds, and experience (time, treasure, talent to use church-speak).

John and Kris Graduate from EfM – Today I got to see my friends John and Kris receive their EfM certificates. Four years, all done. 2 pictures

Lanie & Landon giving their stewardship speeches – Today Lanie (and Landon) delivered speeches at all three services on the topic of giving gratefully. 2 pictures

Invitation to Ministry and Stewardship Sunday at Christ Church. I wanted to make an invitation/ reminder that people would want to keep around for a while,

Last Sunday at church – I was ushering and Lanie volunteered to acolyte. One-minute read, 4 pictures

I volunteered to take pictures at the Dedication of Rose Cottage, a shelter for abused women and their families. The pictures have now been made public so I can post them here too.

Photo collage of motorized garden equipment. Sit on lawn mower, weed whacker, and aluminium ramps. www.breakfastinamerica.me

Not my usual subjects – Not the sort of promotional materials I usually produce for church, but we had some gardening equipment to dispose of.

Camp WeMo at Wakonda - preparing the personal IDs for the new arrivals

Dropping Lanie off at Camp WeMo at Wakonda – Lanie’s off to Camp WeMo (WEst MissOuri) at Wakonda for the week, so this afternoon we dropped her off, and I took advantage of the visit to grab a few pictures. One-minute read, Album: 10 pictures

Picture of Kim Snodgrass of the Episcopal Dioces of West Missouri at Camp WeMo at Wakonda June 2013

Getting Ready at Camp WeMo

Overnight I had been sent a link to an e-version of the diocese magazine. This was so I could embed a copy in the diocesan website. Fortunately that was a simple task. Checking the magazine I was surprised, and very pleased, to find that the pictures I took at the Bishop’s Ball were featured on the cover.

Today was the last appearance of the St Cecilia Choir before the summer break, and Lanie’s last appearance in the Junior Choir. This year the choir visited another Episcopal church in Springfield – St. John’s.

Today is Pentecost (Whitsunday back in the UK) and the last day of three services on a Sunday at Church until the fall. Yay for Sunday lie-ins to come! Two-minute read, 10 pictures

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