Favourite Colour: Burgundy
Favourite Colour: Burgundy. Copyright © 2007 Gary Allman, all rights reserved I would have opened a bottle of red wine too, but that way lies madness… Taken for ‘What do you want?’ brief: ‘Something in your daily life that’s your favorite color’ (Sic).
If I have to have a favourite colour, then I guess this is currently it. It’s certainly the colour of my fountain pen, and I’ve also used it as an accent colour on a couple of walls in the living room.
Comfort (365:10)
Hands (365: 9)
Reading in the garden
January In The Garden (365: 8)
14 January and warm enough to sit in the garden
– this has to be recorded
Late Night Movie (365: 7)
Late Night Movie (365:7) – It was actually three movies, one bottle of wine and the end of the whiskey. Copyright © 2007 Gary Allman, all rights reserved. And the reality was…
Late Night Movie – It was actually three movies, one bottle of wine and the end of the whiskey. Copyright © 2007 Gary Allman, all rights reserved. -
Doubly Glazed (365: 6)
Breakfast (365: 5)
06:30, and breakfast – It took me two days to get this one, and I think it could be improved by zooming in a bit. Copyright © 2007 Gary Allman, all rights reserved. It took me two days to get this one, and I think it could be improved by zooming in a bit.
Future Gary granted past Gary his wish and zoomed it in a bit.
You Hoo! (365: 4)
Morning Shower (365: 3)
Morning Shower (365: 3) Copyright © 2007 Gary Allman, all rights reserved. The camera only has a 10-second self-timer, so I had to take a load of test shots the day before so that I could get the shot right on the day. I have to get to work, so time is tight.
This shot took lots of tries. The floor was a bit damp by the time I had finished; this picture is the best of the bunch. Posing was difficult. I was relying on water and condensation to obscure parts of the image 🙂 It didn’t work in all the shots, which was another reason why I had to take so many.
Trim (365: 2)
Dressed Rehearsal
Quick Pic (365: 1)
Quick Pic (365: 1) – Copyright © 2007 Gary Allman, all rights reserved. A quick picture for the first day. I just love the light in the bathroom, and the mirror comes in very handy for seeing the picture on the camera’s display.
The first day — referring to the first day of my 365 Days project, a project to take and publish a self-portrait photograph every day for a year. A project which ended up as the catalyst for major changes in my life.
Not looking very happy, am I?
Mirror Ball
Mirror Ball – One of several in my ‘Disco Ball’ garden mobile. Copyright © 2006 Gary Allman, all rights reserved. When I designed our west facing garden I put a south-facing deck along the north side so that we could take the most advantage of the sun.
I like to relax and sit in the sun without the trappings of clothes, I’m not an exhibitionist, therefore, ensuring privacy was essential. I raised the south and west fence and wall respectively to eight feet, blocking the surrounding houses’ view into the garden. There wasn’t much I could do to screen my next-door neighbor’s back bedroom window which overlooked our garden, but the bedroom wasn’t used, and hey, I decided that if Brian wanted to watch me enjoying the sun I’d just have to put up with it. To his credit, apart from a couple of minor quips, he never said a word (to us anyway).
The problem with raising the fence and wall was that after midday both were in shade, and looked very dark when viewed from the sunshine on the deck. I had an idea to brighten them up by hanging mirror mobiles over the deck to reflect the sun into the dim recesses of the garden.
I found some very inexpensive (£1.00) mirror balls in a local shop; took some metal coat hangers, silver paint, and fishing line and created my mirror ball mobile which worked very well.
It was great to watch the spots of light dancing across the otherwise dark fence and wall. I took this picture of one of the mirror balls I used to construct the garden mobile when I was testing my new Fuji Finepix camera. The colours of the Virginia Creeper in the background are wonderful.
Smoke, No Mirrors
Smoke No Mirrors – Refinery taken from (mid) Southampton Water. Copyright © 2006 Gary Allman, all rights reserved. One of the early photographs I took when I bought my first digital camera
I was out on Southampton Water on one of the University’s Oceanographic vessels with some colleagues as part of the ‘Future Leaders’ Group’ program. A bit of team bonding. Our trip took us over the Isle of White, and we paused mid-Solent to try out the hydrophones (an interesting experience for those not used to small vessels in a rough sea).
I guess I should be thankful for this picture, if I hadn’t managed to take a decent picture early on, I might not have become enthralled with photography again.
Fawley Oil Refinery, Southampton Water, Hampshire, UK.
Update: January 2017. I reviewed and re-edited this picture.
Smoke, No Mirrors – Reprise
One of the early photographs I took when I bought my first digital camera. I’ve always liked this image, but it has always produced a ‘meh’ response from others. That was probably because while I could visualize the original scene in my mind’s eye; you had to be there to feel it. I decided to re-process the photograph in 2017 to bring out the dramatic nature of the view I originally saw.
Fawley Oil Refinery, Southampton Water, Hampshire, UK.
Garden Room at night
Candle Lantern