Journal: Hercules Glades in the snow, January 2025. A forecast winter storm in Southwest Missouri on January 9 and 10 was just what was needed to let me get some time out when the trail conditions would be a bit more challenging. 15-minute read, +44

And finally… The roads had been plowed and were clear.

Day Three stats and end of hike thoughts.

Back at the Tower Trailhead. No tracks — so no one else has been here. Now I’ve got to get all that snow off the car.

Getting close to the trailhead — heading east on the Pilot (Tower) Trail.

Another Pole (Pete) Hollow Trail junction cairn selfie — Well, it had to be done with some snow in the background.

Heading east on the Pilot (Tower) Trail in the snow — Watch out for those low hanging boughs, they’ll dump their snowy burden on you if you touch them.

Is it a stupid idea if it works? — I don’t have footwear suitable for bad weather, so four years ago I bought some waterproof socks.

View across Hercules Glades Wilderness, looking south from the Pilot (Tower) Trail — This is one of the few places on the trail with a view to the south. I climbed up a little bit above the trail to get a clearer view of the horizon.

Junction of the Cedar (Middle) Trail and the Pilot (Tower) Trail, looking west — I was half expecting to find some tracks at this point. But no, it seems I’m the only one mad enough to be out at the moment.

Camped in the snow above ‘Twin Falls Hollow.’ I set my tarp in ‘Porch mode’ as there was no more snowfall forecast. Oops. I forgot about all the loose snow falling off of the branches above!

Camped in the snow above ‘Twin Falls Hollow.’

A snowy view from my hammock.

Camped in the snow above ‘Twin Falls Hollow’ — I did ponder the potential downsides (or should that be downslides?) of camping on the side of a steep ravine. And I ignored them. I survived.

Camped in the snow above ‘Twin Falls Hollow’ — I did ponder the potential dowsides (or should that be downslides?) of camping on the side of a steep ravine. And I ignored them. I survived.

First Breakfast (in the hammock). Yes, I am taking a page from the Hobbits’ playbook and having a first and second breakfast! One-minute read, +2

Day Two stats. I arrived at my campsite at three-fifty, with just ninety minutes of daylight left to set up camp and finish all my camp chores.

Glades (Upper Pilot) Trail Junction in the snow. It’s odd how mine are the only tracks in the snow. +1

Pilot (Tower) Trail heading east.

At the Devil’s Den (Lower Pilot) Trail junction. The Pilot (Tower) Trail is straight ahead and should be easy to follow from here on. I stopped to re-secure my camp shoes that had come loose and to brush some of the accumulating snow off my pack.

A fleeting burst of sunshine. Right place, right time. A lucky shot as the sun shone for just a minute.

The trail wasn’t always obvious. There was a slight indentation where it ran, and I’d already figured out to look for the gap in the grass stalks.

Winter view from Hercules Glades Wilderness. Two-minute read.

Gary camped here. There was a fair buildup of snow around the edge of the tarp from where the snow kept sliding off.

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