Welcome to Breakfast in America

My photo journal is an eclectic mix of things; there’s no guiding theme or topic. It is whatever happens to catch my attention, what I’ve been thinking, doing, and whatever my current obsessions are. At the moment, they are clearing some of the backlog on my ‘honey-do’ list, backpacking and hammock camping.

  • Life can be like that (365:054)

    Life can be like that Copyright © 2011 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.

    It was one of those days.

    Nobody said living the dream was always going to be easy.

    We watched The Da Vinci Code this evening.

    Alternate picture

    Feet up watching The Da Vinci Code

  • High School parking lot (365:053)

    High School parking lot

    This cliché Lomo and mirror shot is all I have to offer today.

    I had an idea for a shot either putting the camping gear out to air, or putting it away again, but for one reason or another that idea fell through. As the a lot of my day was spent processing the pictures from the weekend’s backpacking trip, it wasn’t an appealing photo op. While waiting for the kids to come out from school I thought I’d experiment with a car mirror shot, and that’s it for the day.

  • Near the end of the hike (365:052)

    Wedding anniversary backpacking at Devils Backbone Wilderness by Gary Allman

    Our last day in Devil’s Backbone wilderness.

    It had been quite cold overnight and it started to rain just as we were about to break camp. As the rain had been forecast, we had set the tent up so that we could take it down with the rain fly still up – which meant we were able to put just about everything away dry.

    The trail up Collins Ridge doesn’t appear to be marked, and we encountered several trails that aren’t marked on the map, which made for some educated guesswork on the navigation, which proved correct once we could see the lay of the land and check it against the topo map. The hike started with another 300+ foot ascent, quite enough for us out of condition hikers.

    Before too long we were back where the trail along the Devil’s Backbone splits off, and shortly after that we stopped by a stone pile which acted as a tripod for today’s picture. Once back at the trailhead, Ginger looked at the trailhead check-in, and the log had been changed and maps left. We saw that four people had been in on a day hike yesterday, but in the two and a half days we’d been hiking the trails we’d not met anyone. We saw and heard lots of Armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus), and the tracks of a bobcat (Lynx rufus) but no people, which is pretty much how we like it.

    The van was where we left it (always a worry). It was just a matter of dropping our packs in the back and heading off to Ginger’s parents, a nice dinner, pick up the girls and head back to Springfield so that they could be home in good time for school Tuesday (today was a school holiday).

    Today’s alternate shots and extras

    On the Collins Ridge Trail -  Devils Backbone Wilderness
    Gary and Ginger on the Collins Ridge Trail
    Back at the van
    Back at the van
    Camping by the North Fork River - Devils Backbone Wilderness
    Camping by the North Fork River – Devils Backbone Wilderness
    The North Fork River - Devils Backbone Wilderness
    The North Fork River – Devils Backbone Wilderness

  • Morning coffee in Crooked Hollow – Devils Backbone Wilderness (365:051)

    Morning coffee in Mary Hollow - Devils Backbone Wilderness by Gary Allman
    Morning coffee in Crooked Hollow – Devils Backbone Wilderness (365:051). Copyright © 2011 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.

    It’s our second wedding anniversary, and what better way to celebrate it than backpacking? I sure do know how to show a girl a good time! I took today’s picture while we were drinking our morning coffee and making our plans for the day. Ginger, it should be added, surprised me with an anniversary gift – a CD. We had no way to play it though.

    After breakfast and breaking camp, we hiked down Mary Hollow and followed the trail north and west to the North Fork River. The trail was obstructed by fallen trees in many places, and only a couple of trails are marked, so you need a map and to read the ground to make sure you stick to the right trail. We stopped briefly to admire the bluffs on the North Fork and to be completely disgusted at the mess left behind presumably by people camping in the wilderness while floating down the North Fork River. The almost complete lack of trash on the trails of the wilderness would suggest that this is the case.

    We then climbed the 360 feet to the top of McGarr Ridge, and walked along the ridge and then negotiated the very steep 360-foot descent to visit Blue Spring, where we filled up with water (we have a filter pump and chemically treat our water), and had lunch. Our plan was to camp somewhere near where we’d first seen the river, and that meant retracing our path, climbing and descending McGarr Ridge again. We surprised ourselves by getting up the ridge quite quickly. Our new (but low-cost) trekking poles, brought for this trip, proved themselves invaluable going up and down the ridge. Once back at the river we didn’t want to stop at the campsite that had been abused by all the floaters, so we followed the trail North a short while and then cut down to the river. We found a nice secluded gravel bank where we spent the night, accompanied by the sound of running water.

    We had managed around 4.25 miles again, though the climbs and descents took their toll on our legs.

    Today’s outtakes & extras

  • Wedding anniversary backpacking at Devils Backbone Wilderness (365:050)

    Wedding anniversary backpacking at Devils Backbone Wilderness by Gary Allman
    Wedding anniversary backpacking at Devils Backbone Wilderness. Copyright © 2011 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.

    Tonight we get to sleep in the woods and tomorrow it’s our second wedding anniversary.

    We got away from Springfield on time, picking up Lanie from her sleepover on the way out. At the grandparents I helped Jim load a large steel house sign into his pick-up before we headed off for the last fifty miles or so to our destination; the Devils Backbone Wilderness area.

    Over the past week, we’ve checked the maps and pictures of the wilderness we found online. We had a rough plan of action, starting at the Collins Ridge trailhead. There were no other vehicles in the parking lot, checking the registration log, it appeared no one had entered the wilderness from here for a while.

    We had a good hike along the Devils Backbone down into Mary Hollow. Ginger particularly liked all the pine trees at the start of the hike. The Devils Backbone was quite impressive with a significant drop off on each side, which is where I took today’s picture. The point where the trail drops into Mary Hollow is incorrectly marked on the map (it comes out about an eighth of a mile to the east of where it is shown), which caused us a bit of backtracking while we looked for the trail to McGarr Spring. We found the trail but couldn’t find the spring, there was evidence of water but there was none running.

    We decided to camp further down the Hollow towards the North Fork river, so that we could pick up water in the morning. The trail was very easy walking being mainly soft dirt. It would have suited my Vibram Five Fingers which I hadn’t brought along. My Mark II huaraches worked well, but as expected weren’t tough enough for the trip, so after a couple of repairs, I gave up and resorted to trainers for hiking and flip-flops around camp. In total, we hiked about 4.25 miles today.

    The overnight temperatures dropped into the mid-forties, but we were nice and snug.

    Today’s alternate shots & extras

  • Packing my backpack (365:049)

    Packing my backpack
    Packing my backpack

    It’s a three day weekend, and to make the most of it tomorrow morning we’re taking the girls to their grandparents and then we are heading off into a nearby wilderness for a couple of days backpacking. Getzger and Alek are being left in charge back home, so hopefully the cats will be fed while we’re gone. With luck the weather will hold good, though they are starting to predict rain and Monday is going to be fifteen to twenty degrees cooler, so packing clothes for the trip’s a bit of a challenge.

    Today we bought a rain cover for Ginger’s backpack and did the last of the shopping for the trip. We also had to get stuff ready for Lanie, who’s away on a sleep-over tonight. As soon as we can pick her up tomorrow morning, we’re off.

    Today’s picture shows all my stuff ready to be put into my backpack. Total weight of pack and contents including food and water around 34-35lbs. Ginger carries half the food, cooking pot, fly sheet for the tent and the tent footprint. Her pack weighed in at 33lbs.

    See all the items on the table labeled on Flickr

    Alternate shots

  • Afternoon school run (365:048)

    Afternoon school run (365:048). Copyright © 2011 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.

    If it’s Thursday it must be class tonight.

    We had a quiet day, I finished my coursework and had my class in the evening; which was excellent as usual. I remember that thirty plus years ago when I was studying in the evenings I’d have trouble staying awake. In fact, when I was teaching evening classes I would sometimes have trouble staying awake. I’m glad to report that I’m not having any trouble keeping awake for my class now.

    Collecting the big kids from school this afternoon I took some safety shots, and as I didn’t take any more pictures, this is it for the day.

  • Burning incense (365:047)

    Burning incense (365:047). Copyright © 2011 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.

    Today was much better.

    I did some more of my coursework, tended my blog garden, made up my Mark II huaraches, which are much better. I now have to adjust the sole template to leave a bit more room for foot movement and invest in some better materials for the soles. Before I do that some testing out on the trails is required just to make sure everything is okay. At around 4oz for the pair carrying them backpacking will not be an issue.

    Wednesday this week is Choir, Youth Group, and KfC evening. I spent the time in conversation with some of the other dads in the parish hall. The lighting in the hall is quite poor, otherwise, I would have been tempted to take my daily shot there. Instead, I had the idea of capturing our regular evening activity of lighting incense. We have several different types, sticks, solid blocks, and even some frankincense and blends of incense resins. Those should provide a few more photo opportunities.

    We enjoyed the incense while listening to Rhapsody, studying topo maps, and making plans for this coming weekend’s hike. We managed to find some pictures of the wilderness area and some fairly good maps, so we now have a reasonable idea of what to expect and some initial ideas of where we’ll go. What we actually do will depend on the weather and how many other people are on the trails.

  • Last thing on a Tuesday night (365:046)

    Last thing on a Tuesday night

    Today wasn’t such a good day.

    I ended up spending a lot of the day in pain. Not good for my temper, or those around me.

    On the plus side, I got most of my coursework done for this week, there’s just a small bit to finish off tomorrow. I’ve retrieved the backpacking box and backpacks from the shed. Partially because I need some para-cord but also because we plan on go backpacking this coming weekend.

    We finished the day by watching an episode of Inspector Morse. It was only at bedtime I remembered I hadn’t taken a picture today.

    It is surprising how insidious the traps are in the 365 days project. I have had a run of photographic luck, and suddenly I find myself in the mindset that I shouldn’t post anything that’s not at least average. I spent a lot of time and took sixty odd pictures in two locations to get today’s picture. I even juggled with a reflector in one hand and a cat in the other at one point.

    So I’m duly chastised, the pictures are a nice by-product, but they’re not the ‘be all, end all’ of this project. Let’s see how long it takes me to forget that.

  • Gary and Ginger being nauseating in Walmart on Saint Valentine’s day (365:045)

    Gary and Ginger being nauseating in Walmart on Saint Valentine's Day by Gary Allman
    Gary and Ginger being nauseating in Walmart on Saint Valentine’s Day – February 2011. Copyright © 2011 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.

    When you’re living your dream, over time your dream becomes normal life. It pays to stop and reflect on that once in a while. When you do it reminds you how special your dream is and how lucky you are.

    Today we decided to treat ourselves. After the school run we treated ourselves to breakfast. Anton’s parking lot was empty, so empty we thought it might be closed. Fortunately, it was open, and the lack of customers meant we had the pick of the tables so I got one one with excellent light all the better to take some pictures of Ginger. 

    After breakfast, we visited a couple of flea markets and then went down to Lake Springfield to check for ice with some kayaking in mind later in the week. We took a brief walk up to the bluffs where we were lucky enough to see a bald eagle, which took a bird or squirrel for its lunch. Ginger got a very close look at as it flew by the bluff – I missed it as I had my head in the camera. Later on, thanks to the generosity of one of the several birdwatchers down by the lakeside, we had a chance to see two bald eagles up close in a spotting scope.

    Next stop for the day was Walmart, where I decided that a picture of us being nauseating in front of a Valentine’s day display of soft toys would make a good picture. The only trouble was the display was at the front of the store and very busy, I can’t imagine why. Ginger was most uncomfortable about my taking a picture there and refused to take part. Luckily I found another display still in one of the main thoroughfares but at least not opposite the checkouts. Shall we just say that there was a lack of enthusiasm for partaking in this picture by my embarrassed wife, and we did get some amused looks.

    The day was rounded off with an evening of wine, cheese and a suitably romantic movie – Notting Hill.

    Today’s alternate shots

    Gary and Ginger in Walmart on Saint Valentine's Day
    Gary and Ginger in Walmart on Saint Valentine’s Day
    Lake Springfield - where bald eagles fly
    Lake Springfield – where bald eagles fly

    Additional shots

    Saint Valentine's day breakfast at Anton's
    Saint Valentine’s day breakfast at Anton’s
    Valentine's day breakfast at Anton's
    Ginger at Anton’s Coffee Shop
    Valentine's day breakfast at Anton's
    Ginger at Anton’s Coffee Shop

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